

(テキスト157ページ、4行目〜) But I did not, nor of any thing relating to it; but I dream'd, that as I was going out in the morning as usual from my castle, I saw upon the shore, two canoes, and eleven savages coming to land, and that the…


(テキスト156ページ、9行目〜) I never so much as troubl'd my self, to consider what I should do with my self, when I came thither; what would become of me, if I fell into the hands of these savages; or how I should escape from them, if th…


(テキスト155ページ、1行目〜) It is as impossible, as needless, to set down the innumerable crowd of thoughts that whirl'd through that great thorow-fare of the brain, the memory, in this night’s time: it(代)(形式主語としてあとにくる事…


(テキスト154ページ、19行目〜) But as this is ordinarily the fate of young heads, so reflection upon the folly of it, is as ordinarily the exercise of more years, or of the dear-bought experience of time; and so it was with me now; and ye…


(テキスト153ページ、3行目〜) I had indeed gotten two pair of shoes now, which I took off of the feet of the two drown'd men, who I saw in the wreck; and I found two pair more in one of the chests, which were very welcome to me; but they …


(テキスト152ページ、2行目〜) She had no doubt a great treasure in her; but of no use at that time to any body; and what became of the rest of her people, I then knew not. no doubt(しばしば譲歩の文を伴って)疑いなく、確かに(=undoubtedl…


(テキスト151ページ、2行目〜) I made first a little out to sea full north, till I began to feel the benefit of the current, which set eastward, and which carry'd me at a great rate, and yet did not so hurry me as the southern side current…


(テキスト150ページ、2行目〜) And thus loading my self with every thing necessary, I went down to my boat, got the water out of her, and got her afloat, loaded all my cargo in her, and then went home again for more; my second cargo was a …


(テキスト149ページ、3行目〜) Such were these earnest wishings, that but one man had been sav'd! such(代)(単数または複数扱い)(先行の名詞に代わり、また既述内容をさして補語に用いて)そのような人(もの) earnest(形)まじめな、真剣な wi…


(テキスト148ページ、5行目〜) Other times I imagin'd, they had some other ship, or ships in company, who upon the signals of distress they made, had taken them up, and carry'd them off: time(名)(特定の)時、時期 ・this time 今ごろ imag…


(テキスト147ページ、3行目〜) I immediately consider'd that this must be some ship in distress, and that they had some comrade, or some other ship in company, and fir'd these guns for signals of distress, and to obtain help: immediately(…


(テキスト146ページ、4行目〜) I spent my days now in great perplexity, and anxiety of mind, expecting that I should one day or other fall into the hands of these merciless creatures; and if I did at any time venture abroad, it was not wit…


(テキスト145ページ、1行目〜) And having made this observation, I went abroad about my harvest work with the more composure. make(他)(目的語に動作名詞を伴って、動詞と同じ意味をなして)(〜を)する、行なう(同じ意味の動詞より、この表現…


(テキスト144ページ、3行目〜) I was indeed terribly surpris'd at the sight, and stepp'd short within my grove, not daring to go out, least I might be surpris'd; and yet I had no more peace within, from the apprehensions I had, that if the…


(テキスト143ページ、1行目〜) I wish no English man the ill luck to come there and hear him; but if he did, he would certainly believe it was the Devil. wish(他)(人が)(〜が)(〜であればよいと)望む、願う(+目+補) ・We all wish hi…


(テキスト142ページ、9行目〜) Upon this occasion of removing my ammunition, I took occasion to open the barrel of powder which I took up out of the sea, and which had been wet; and I found that the water had penetrated about three or four…


(テキスト141ページ、7行目〜) I stirr'd him a little, to see if I could get him out, and he essay'd to get up, but was not able to raise himself; and I thought with my self, he might even lie there; for if he had frighted me so, he would …


(テキスト140ページ、6行目〜) The mouth of this hollow, was at the bottom of a great rock, where, by meer accident, (I would say, if I did not see abundant reason to ascribe all such things now to Providence) I was cutting down some thick…


(テキスト139ページ、1行目〜) How, when we are in (a quandary, as we call it) a doubt or hesitation, whether to go this way, or that way, a secret hint shall direct us this way, when we intended to go that way; nay, when sense, our own in…


(テキスト138ページ、4行目〜) All these I removed, that there might not be the least shadow of any discovery, or any appearance of any boat, or of any human habitation upon the island. all(形)(複数名詞の前に置いて)あらゆる、すべての、…


(テキスト137ページ、4行目〜) Upon the whole I concluded, that neither in principle or in policy, I ought one way or other to concern myself in this affair. on the whole 概して conclude(他)(〜だと)結論を下す、断定する(+that) that(…


(テキスト136ページ、6行目〜) In the next place it occurr'd to me, that albeit the usage they thus gave one another, was thus brutish and inhuman; yet it was really nothing to me: in(前)(範囲を表わして)〜において、〜内で next(形)(…


(テキスト135ページ、8行目〜) As long as I kept up my daily tour to the hill to look out, so long also I kept up the vigour of my design, and my spirits seem'd to be all the while in a suitable form for so outrageous an execution as the k…


(テキスト134ページ、10行目〜) This fancy pleas'd my thoughts for some weeks, and I was so full of it, that I often dream'd of it; and sometimes that I was just going to let fly at them in my sleep. fancy(名)(気まぐれで自由な)空想 ple…


(テキスト133ページ、4行目〜) As in my present condition there were not really many things which I wanted; so indeed I thought that the frights I had been in about these savage wretches, and the concern I had been in for my own preservati…


(テキスト132ページ、2行目〜) When I say my own circle, I mean by it, my three plantations, viz. my castle, my country seat, which I call'd my bower, and my enclosure in the woods; nor did I look after this for any other use than as an en…


(テキスト131ページ、3行目〜) I was so astonish'd with the sight of these things, that I entertain'd no notions of any danger to my self from it for a long while; all my apprehensions were buried in the thoughts of such a pitch of inhuman…


(テキスト130ページ、7行目〜) For these discomposures affect the mind as the others do the body; and the discomposure of the mind must necessarily be as great a disability as that of the body, and much greater, praying to God being proper…


(テキスト129ページ、1行目〜) To this purpose, after long consideration, I could think of but two ways to preserve them; one was to find another convenient place to dig a cave under-ground, and to drive them into it every night; and the o…


(テキスト128ページ、1行目〜) So that I had now a double wall, and my outer wall was thickned with pieces of timber, old cables, and every thing I could think of to make it strong; having in it seven little holes, about as big as I might …