

(テキスト42ページ、5行目〜) My next care was for some ammunition and arms; there were two very good fowling-pieces in the great cabin, and two pistols, these I secur'd first, with some powder-horns, and a small bag of shot, and two old …


この週末は、ブルーレイで『ロシアより愛をこめて』を見た。ロシアより愛をこめて [Blu-ray]出版社/メーカー: 20世紀フォックス・ホーム・エンターテイメント・ジャパン発売日: 2013/04/03メディア: Blu-ray クリック: 2回この商品を含むブログ (6件) を見る…


(テキスト41ページ、1行目〜) It was in vain to sit still and wish for what was not to be had, and this extremity rouz'd my application; we had several spare yards, and two or three large sparrs of wood, and a spare top-mast or two in the …


この週末は、ブルーレイで『続・猿の惑星』を見た。続・猿の惑星 [Blu-ray]出版社/メーカー: 20世紀フォックス・ホーム・エンターテイメント・ジャパン (FOXDP)発売日: 2012/07/18メディア: Blu-rayこの商品を含むブログを見る1970年のアメリカ映画。 監督は…


(テキスト40ページ、4行目〜) When I came down from my apartment in the tree, I look'd about me again, and the first thing I found was the boat, which lay as the wind and the sea had toss'd her up upon the land, about two miles on my right…


(テキスト39ページ、4行目〜) I cast my eye to the stranded vessel, when the breach and froth of the sea being so big, I could hardly see it, it lay so far off, and considered, Lord! how was it possible I could get on shore? cast(他)(副…


この週末は、ブルーレイで『大いなる西部』を見た。大いなる西部 [Blu-ray]出版社/メーカー: 20世紀フォックス・ホーム・エンターテイメント・ジャパン発売日: 2014/05/02メディア: Blu-rayこの商品を含むブログを見る1958年のアメリカ映画。 監督は、『ベン…


(テキスト38ページ、2行目〜) I stood still a few moments to recover breath, and till the waters went from me, and then took to my heels, and run with what strength I had farther towards the shore. stand(自)(〜の状態で)立つ(+補) ・s…


(テキスト37ページ、3行目〜) But there was nothing of this appeared; but as we made nearer and nearer the shore, the land look'd more frightful than the sea. there(副)(thereは形式上主語のように扱われるが、動詞の後に通例不特定のものや人…


(テキスト36ページ、5行目〜) In a word, we sat looking one upon another, and expecting death every moment, and every man acting accordingly, as preparing for another world, for there was little or nothing more for us to do in this; that w…


この週末は、ブルーレイで『アラバマ物語』を見た。アラバマ物語 [Blu-ray]出版社/メーカー: ジェネオン・ユニバーサル発売日: 2013/02/20メディア: Blu-rayこの商品を含むブログ (2件) を見る1962年のアメリカ映画。 監督はロバート・マリガン。 製作は、後…


(テキスト35ページ、3行目〜) In this distress, we had besides the terror of the storm, one of our men die of the calenture, and one man and the boy wash'd over board; about the 12th day the weather abating a little, the Master made an obs…


(テキスト34ページ、5行目〜) In short, I took all possible caution to preserve my effects, and keep up my plantation; had I used half as much prudence to have look'd into my own interest, and have made a judgment of what I ought to have d…


(テキスト33ページ、1行目〜) They listened always very attentively to my discourses on these heads, but especially to that part which related to the buying Negroes, which was a trade at that time not only not far entred into, but as far a…