

(テキスト27ページ、16行目~) (The Host) host(名)(旅館などの)亭主 Greet cheere made oure Hoost us everichon, And to the souper sette he us anon. Greet→Great great(形)すてきな、すばらしい cheere→cheer(名)歓待、歓迎 make(他)(人…


(テキスト25ページ、1行目~) (The Pardoner) pardoner(名)(中世の)免罪符売り With hym ther rood a gentil Pardoner Of Rouncyval, his freend and his comper, That streight was comen fro the court of Rome. hym→him ther→there(副)(there…


(テキスト23ページ、18行目~) (The Summoner) summoner(名)(古)(法廷の)召喚係 A Somonour was ther with us in that place, That hadde a fyr-reed cherubynnes face, For sawceflewm he was, with eyen narwe. Somonour→Summoner ther→there(…


(テキスト22ページ、11行目~) (The Reeve) reeve(名)(昔の町・地方の)執事、代官 The Reve was a sclendre coleryk man. Reve→Reeve sclendre→slender(形)ほっそりした、すらっとした coleryk→choleric(形)かんしゃく持ちの、怒りっぽい ・a ma…


(テキスト21ページ、20行目~) (The Manciple) manciple(名)(大学・修道院などの)食料品仕入係、賄い方 A gentil Maunciple was ther of a temple, Of which achatours myghte take exemple For to been wyse in byynge of vitaille; For wheither t…


(テキスト20ページ、29行目~) (The Miller) miller(名)粉屋、水車屋、製粉業者 The Millere was a stout carl for the nones; Ful byg he was of brawen, and eek of bones. Millere→Miller stout(形)じょうぶな、頑丈な(=sturdy) carl→churl(…


(テキスト20ページ、11行目~) (The Plowman) plowman(名)農夫 With hym ther was a Plowman, was his broother, That hadde ylad of donge ful many a foother; A trewe swynkere and a good was he, Lyvynge in pees and parfit charitee. hym→him t…


(テキスト18ページ、24行目~) (The Parson) parson(名)教区牧師 A good man was ther of religioun, And was a povre Person of a toun, But riche he was of holy thoght and werk. good(形)(道徳的に)良い、善良な、有徳の(⇔evil) man(名)…


(テキスト17ページ、23行目~) (The Wife of Bath) Bath(名)バース(イングランドAvon州の都市) A good Wyf was ther of bisyde Bathe, But she was somdel deef, and that was scathe. good(形)健全な、丈夫な、元気な Wyf→Wife ther→there(副)…


(テキスト16ページ、18行目~) (The Doctor of Physic) physic(名)(古)医術、医業 With us ther was a Doctour of Phisyk; In al this world ne was ther noon hym lik, To speken of phisyk and of surgerye, For he was grounded in astronomye. t…


(テキスト15ページ、21行目~) (The Shipman) shipman(名)船長 A Shipman was ther, wonyng fer by weste; For aught I woot, he was of Dertemouthe. ther→there(副)(thereは形式上主語のように扱われるが、動詞の後に通例不特定のものや人を表わす…


(テキスト15ページ、11行目~) (The Cook) cook(名)料理人、コック、板前(=chef) A Cook they hadde with hem for the nones To boille the chiknes with the marybones, And poudre-marchaunt tart and galyngale. hadde→had have(他)(使用人な…


(テキスト14ページ、21行目~) (The Guildsmen) guildsman(名)ギルド組合員 An Haberdasshere and a Carpenter, A Webbe, a Dyere, and a Tapycer― Haberdasshere→Haberdasher haberdasher(名)小間物商(ひも・糸・針・ボタン・レースなどを売る人)…


(テキスト13ページ、20行目~) (The Franklin) franklin(名)(14-15世紀ごろの)自由保有地主、郷士 A Frankeleyn was in his compaignye. Frankeleyn→Franklin in(前)(範囲を表わして)~において、~内で his(代)彼の compaignye→company(名)…


(テキスト12ページ、26行目~) (The Sergeant of Law) sergeant(名)高等弁護士 A Sergeaunt of lawe, waar and wys, That often hadde been at the Parvys, Ther was also, ful ryche of excellence. Sergeaunt→Sergeant lawe→law waar→wary(形)(人…


(テキスト12ページ、1行目~) (The Clerk) clerk(名)大学礼拝堂(教区教会)の書記(役人) A Clerc ther was of Oxenford also, That unto logyk hadde longe ygo. Clerc→Clerk ther→there(副)(thereは形式上主語のように扱われるが、動詞の後に通…


(テキスト11ページ、13行目~) (The Merchant) A Marchant was ther with a forked berd, In motlee, and hye on hors he sat; Upon his heed a Flaundryssh bevere hat, His bootes clasped faire and fetisly. Marchant→Merchant ther→there(副)(th…


(テキスト9ページ、11行目~) (The Friar) friar(名)(托鉢(たくはつ))修道士 A Frere ther was, a wantowne and a merye, A lymytour, a ful solempne man. Frere→Friar ther→there(副)(thereは形式上主語のように扱われるが、動詞の後に通例不…


(テキスト7ページ、25行目~) (The Monk) monk(名)修道士(俗界を捨てて修道院(monastery)に生活する男子の修道者) A Monk ther was, a fair for the maystrye, An outrydere, that lovede venerye, A manly man, to been an abbot able. ther→ther…


(テキスト6ページ、7行目~) (The Prioress) prioress(名)(しばしばPrioress)女子小修道院長 Ther was also a Nonne, a Prioresse, That of hir smylyng was ful symple and coy; Hir gretteste ooth was but by Seint Loy; And she was clepyd madame…


(テキスト5ページ、19行目~) (The Yeoman) yeoman(名)(昔、王家・貴族に仕えた高位の)従者 A Yeman he hadde and servantz namo At that tyme, for hym liste ryde so, And he was clad in coote and hood of greene. Yeman→Yeoman hadde→had have(…


(テキスト4ページ、25行目~) (The Squire) squire(名)騎士の従者 With hym ther was his sone, a yong Squyer, A lovere and a lusty bachiler, With lokkes crulle as they weere leyd in presse. hym→him ther→there(副)(thereは形式上主語のよう…


(テキスト3ページ、19行目〜) (The Knight) A Knyght ther was, and that a worthy man, That fro the tyme that he first bigan To ryden out, he loved chivalrye, Trouthe and honour, fredom and curteisye, Ful worthy was he in his lordes werre, A…


Chaucer, Geoffrey(名)チョーサー(1340?-1400/英国の詩人) Canterbury Tales(名)(複)(The 〜)「カンタベリー物語」(中期英語で書かれたGeoffrey Chaucer作の未完の(主に)韻文物語集) (テキスト2ページ、1行目〜) General Prologue general…


1年と数ヵ月を掛けて、ようやく『ガリア戦記』の第1巻を読み終えました。 引き続きラテン語を勉強したいところですが、現在の日本では、大学書林から出ている『ガリア戦記』のテキスト以外に、初心者向けのラテン語の読本がありません(もっとも、最近、山下…