

The Winter's Tale(第3回) (テキスト32ページ、7行目~) (※赤字は大学受験レベルの語) ‘Most worthy madam,’ replied Emilia, ‘I will acquaint the queen with your noble offer; she was wishing today that she had any friend who would venture t…


The Winter's Tale(第2回) (テキスト31ページ、1行目~) (※赤字は大学受験レベルの語) Every attention Hermione showed to Polixenes, though by her husband's particular desire, and merely to please him, increased the unfortunate king's mala…


The Winter's Tale(第1回) (テキスト30ページ、1行目~) (※赤字は大学受験レベルの語) THE WINTER'S TALE Winter's Tale, The(名)「冬の夜ばなし」(Shakespeare作のロマンス劇(1601-11)) By Mary Lamb Mary(Ann)Lamb(1764-1847)(Charlesの…


A Midsummer Night's Dream(第12回) (テキスト29ページ、3行目~) (※赤字は大学受験レベルの語) And now, if any are offended with this story of fairies and their pranks, as judging it incredible and strange, they have only to think that th…


A Midsummer Night's Dream(第11回) (テキスト28ページ、4行目~) (※赤字は大学受験レベルの語) Hermia first awoke, and finding her lost Lysander asleep so near her, was looking at him, and wondering at his strange inconstancy. Hermia(名…


A Midsummer Night's Dream(第10回) (テキスト27ページ、3行目~) (※赤字は大学受験レベルの語) ‘My sweet love,’ said the queen, ‘what will you have to eat? I have a venturous fairy shall seek the squirrel's hoard, and fetch you some new n…


A Midsummer Night's Dream(第9回) (テキスト26ページ、3行目~) (※赤字は大学受験レベルの語) Though Oberon fixed the ass's head on very gently, it awakened him, and rising up, unconscious of what Oberon had done to him, he went towards t…


A Midsummer Night's Dream(第8回) (テキスト25ページ、4行目~) (※赤字は大学受験レベルの語) ‘I am amazed at your passionate words,’ said Hermia: ‘I scorn you not; it seems you scorn me.’ amazed(形)びっくりした、仰天した、あっけにとら…


A Midsummer Night's Dream(第7回) (テキスト24ページ、3行目~) (※赤字は大学受験レベルの語) When Hermia awoke, she was in a sad fright at finding herself alone. when(接)~する時に、~時(時を表わす副詞節をつくる) Hermia(名)ハーミア…


A Midsummer Night's Dream(第6回) (テキスト23ページ、4行目~) (※赤字は大学受験レベルの語) But it so fell out, that Helena came that way, and, instead of Hermia, was the first object Lysander beheld when he opened his eyes: and strange…


A Midsummer Night's Dream(第5回) (テキスト22ページ、4行目~) (※赤字は大学受験レベルの語) You spotted snakes with double tongue, Thorny hedgehogs, be not seen; Newts and blind-worms do no wrong, Come not near our Fairy Queen. spotted…


A Midsummer Night's Dream(第4回) (テキスト21ページ、6行目~) (※赤字は大学受験レベルの語) Puck, who loved mischief to his heart, was highly diverted with this intended frolic of his master, and ran to seek the flower; and while Oberon…


A Midsummer Night's Dream(第3回) (テキスト20ページ、3行目~) (※赤字は大学受験レベルの語) ‘Ill met by moonlight, proud Titania,’ said the fairy king. ill(副)都合悪く、運悪く meet(自)出会う by(前)(手段・媒介を表わして)~で moon…


A Midsummer Night's Dream(第2回) (テキスト19ページ、1行目~) (※赤字は大学受験レベルの語) When Hermia was dismissed from the presence of the duke, she went to her lover Lysander, and told him the peril she was in, and that she must ei…


A Midsummer Night's Dream(第1回) (テキスト18ページ、1行目~) (※赤字は大学受験レベルの語) A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM A Midsummer Night's Dream「夏の夜の夢」(Shakespeare作の喜劇) By Mary Lamb by(前)(動作主を示して)~によって、によ…


The Tempest(第11回) (テキスト17ページ、3行目~) (※赤字は大学受験レベルの語) ‘My quaint Ariel,’ said Prospero to the little sprite when he made him free, ‘I shall miss you; yet you shall have your freedom.’ my(代)(呼び掛け語に添え…


The Tempest(第10回) (テキスト16ページ、1行目~) (※赤字は大学受験レベルの語) ‘No, sir,’ answered Ferdinand, smiling to find his father had fallen into the same mistake that he had done when he first saw Miranda, ‘she is a mortal, but …


The Tempest(第9回) (テキスト15ページ、5行目~) (※赤字は大学受験レベルの語) The king of Naples, and Antonio the false brother, repented the injustice they had done to Prospero: and Ariel told his master he was certain their penitence …


The Tempest(第8回) (テキスト14ページ、7行目~) (※赤字は大学受験レベルの語) At this Prospero smiled, and nodded his head, as much as to say, ‘This goes on exactly as I could wish; my girl will be queen of Naples.’ at(前)(感情の原因…


The Tempest(第7回) (テキスト13ページ、1行目~) (※赤字は大学受験レベルの語) ‘I have not indeed,’ answered Ferdinand; and not knowing that it was by magic he was deprived of all power of resistance, he was astonished to find himself so…


The Tempest(第6回) (テキスト12ページ、4行目~) (※赤字は大学受験レベルの語) Miranda, who thought all men had grave faces and grey beards like her father, was delighted with the appearance of this beautiful young prince; and Ferdinand,…


The Tempest(第5回) (テキスト11ページ、7行目~) (※赤字は大学受験レベルの語) ‘Pardon me, dear master,’ said Ariel, ashamed to seem ungrateful; ‘I will obey your commands.’ pardon(他)容赦する、許可、大目に見る master(名)主人、雇い主…


The Tempest(第4回) (テキスト10ページ、1行目~) (※赤字は大学受験レベルの語) Having so said, Prospero gently touched his daughter with his magic wand, and she fell fast asleep; for the spirit Ariel just then presented himself before hi…


The Tempest(第3回) (テキスト9ページ、2行目~) (※赤字は大学受験レベルの語) ‘No, sir,’ said Miranda, ‘I remember nothing more.’ no(副)(質問・依頼などに答えて)いいえ(⇔yes)(答えの内容が否定ならNo、肯定ならYesを用いるのを原則とする…


The Tempest(第2回) (テキスト8ページ、3行目~) (※赤字は大学受験レベルの語) When Caliban was lazy and neglected his work, Ariel (who was invisible to all eyes but Prospero's) would come slyly and pinch him, and sometimes tumble him dow…


The Tempest(第1回) (テキスト7ページ、1行目~) (※赤字は大学受験レベルの語) THE TEMPEST tempest(名)(The Tempest)『あらし』(Shakespeareのロマンス劇) (By Mary Lamb) Lamb ラム Mary(Ann)Lamb(1764-1847)(Charlesの姉/作家/弟と…


Preface(第3回) (テキスト5ページ、8行目~) (※赤字は大学受験レベルの語) What these Tales have been to you in childhood, that and much more it is my wish that the true Plays of Shakespeare may prove to you in older years — enrichers of …


Preface(第2回) (テキスト4ページ、10行目~) (※赤字は大学受験レベルの語) I have wished to make these Tales easy reading for very young children. wish(他)(~)したい(と思う)(+to do) make(他)(~を)(~に)する(+目+補) tal…


Preface(第1回) (テキスト3ページ、1行目~) (※赤字は大学受験レベルの語) PREFACE preface(名)(本などの)序文、まえがき、はしがき The following Tales are meant to be submitted to the young reader as an introduction to the study of Shak…


日本の英語教育史における『シェイクスピア物語』僕が読破したことのある数少ない原書の一つである『シェイクスピア物語』を、思うところがあって、もう一度、読んでみることにしました。 『シェイクスピア物語』は、今から約200年前、チャールズ・ラムと、…