

(テキスト187ページ、1行目〜) 1 Kill'd by ditto, in the wood. Kill'd→Killed ditto(名)同上、同断、同前(同一文句の省略に用いる) wood(名)森 3 Kill'd by the Spaniard. Spaniard(名)スペイン人 4 Kill'd, being found dropp'd here and there…


(テキスト186ページ、5行目〜) I kept my piece in my hand still, without firing, being willing to keep my charge ready; because I had given the Spaniard my pistol, and swords; so I call'd to Friday, and bad him run up to the tree, from whe…


(テキスト185ページ、5行目〜) Now Friday, says I, laying down the discharg’d pieces, and taking up the musquet, which was yet loaden; follow me, says I, which he did, with a great deal of courage; upon which I rush'd out of the wood, and …


(テキスト184ページ、4行目〜) I was fill'd with horror at the very naming the white-bearded man, and going to the tree, I saw plainly, by my glass, a white man, who lay upon the beach of the sea, with his hands and his feet ty'd, with fla…


(テキスト183ページ、4行目〜) In this posture I fetch'd a compass to my right hand of near a mile, as well to get over the creek, as to get into the wood; so that I might come within shot of them before I should be discover'd, which I had…


(テキスト182ページ、1行目〜) Well, Friday, says I, do not be frighted; so I heartned him up as well as I could: well(間)(話をまた続けたり、用件を切り出す時に用いて)さて、ところで say(他)(人に)(~と)言う、話す、述べる、(言葉を…


(テキスト181ページ、2行目〜) I was now entered on the seven and twentieth year of my captivity in this place; tho' the three last years that I had this creature with me, ought rather to be left out of the account, my habitation being qui…


(テキスト180ページ、2行目〜) As to a mast, that was easy enough to get; so I pitch'd upon a strait young cedar-tree, which I found near the place, and which there was great plenty of in the island; and I set Friday to work to cut it down…


(テキスト179ページ、1行目〜) He returns very quick, What you send Friday away for? take, kill Friday, no send Friday away. quick(副)早く、急いで、すばやく what(代)(関係代名詞)(不定数量の選択に関して用いて)何、どんなもの(こと)、…


(テキスト178ページ、3行目〜) So, after some days, I took Friday to work again, by way of discourse, and told him I would give him a boat to go back to his own nation; and accordingly I carry'd him to my frigate which lay on the other sid…


(テキスト177ページ、3行目〜) But I wrong'd the poor honest creature very much, for which I was very sorry afterwards. wrong'd→wronged wrong(他)(人を)誤解する poor(形)哀れな、不幸な、気の毒な(話し手の気持ちからpoorと言っているので…


(テキスト176ページ、4行目〜) Friday describ'd the boat to me well enough; but brought me better to understand him, when he added with some warmth, we save the white mans from drown: describ'd→described describe(他)(~を)言葉で述べる…


(テキスト175ページ、1行目〜) As to all the disputes, wranglings, strife, and contention, which has happen'd in the world about religion, whether niceties in doctrines, or schemes of church government, they were all perfectly useless to u…


(テキスト174ページ、2行目〜) My grief set lighter upon me, my habitation grew comfortable to me beyond measure; and when I reflected that in this solitary life, which I had been confin'd to, I had not only been mov'd myself to look up to…


(テキスト173ページ、2行目〜) Here I was run down again by him to the last degree, and it was a testimony to me, how the meer notions of Nature, though they will guide reasonable creatures to the knowledge of a God, and of a worship or ho…


(テキスト172ページ、2行目〜) I found it was not so easy to imprint right notions in his mind about the Devil, as it was about the being of a God. find(他)(~が)(~であると)知る、感じる、わかる(+that) it(代)(形式主語としてあと…


(テキスト171ページ、1行目〜) He look’d very grave, and with a perfect look of innocence, said, All things say O to him: look'd→looked look(自)顔つき(様子)が(~)だ(+補) grave(形)(人・顔つき・態度・儀式など)重々しい、謹厳な、…


(テキスト170ページ、1行目〜) This I understood to be no more than the sets of the tide, as going out, or coming in; but I afterwards understood, it was occasion'd by the great draft and reflux of the mighty river Oroonooko; in the mouth,…


(テキスト169ページ、2行目〜) At which he smil’d, and said, Yes, yes, we always fight the better; that is, he meant always get the better in fight; and so we began the following discourse: at(前)(感情の原因を表わして)~に(接して)、…


(テキスト168ページ、2行目〜) Having thus fed him with boil'd meat and broth, I was resolv'd to feast him the next day with roasting a piece of the kid; this I did by hanging it before the fire, in a string, as I had seen many people do i…


(テキスト167ページ、17行目〜) As for the gun itself, he would not so much as touch it for several days after; but would speak to it, and talk to it, as if it had answer'd him, when he was by himself; which, as I afterwards learn'd of him…


(テキスト166ページ、2行目〜) But I shut it up, and check'd my thoughts with this conclusion, (1st) that we did not know by what light and law these should be condemn'd; but that as God was necessarily, and by the nature of his being, inf…


(テキスト165ページ、11行目〜) But I needed none of all this precaution; for never man had a more faithful, loving, sincere servant than Friday was to me; without passions, sullenness, or designs, perfectly oblig'd and engag'd; his very a…


(テキスト164ページ、1行目〜) I saw three skulls, five hands, and the bones of three or four legs and feet, and abundance of other parts of the bodies; and Friday, by his signs, made me understand, that they brought over four prisoners to…


(テキスト163ページ、13行目〜) I kept there with him all that night; but as soon as it was day, I beckon'd to him to come with me, and let him know I would give him some clothes, at which he seem'd very glad, for he was stark naked: keep…


(テキスト162ページ、4行目〜) Upon this he sign’d to me, that he should bury them with sand, that they might not be seen by the rest if they follow'd; and so I made signs again to him to do so; he fell to work, and in an instant he had sc…


(テキスト161ページ、4行目〜) I smil'd at him, and look'd pleasantly, and beckon'd to him to come still nearer; at length he came close to me, and then he kneel'd down again, kiss'd the ground, and laid his head upon the ground, and takin…


(テキスト160ページ、1行目〜) But when the savage escaping came thither, he made nothing of it, tho' the tide was then up, but plunging in, swam thro' in about thirty strokes or thereabouts, landed and ran on with exceeding strength and s…


(テキスト159ページ、2行目〜) However I put my self into all the same postures for an attack, that I had formerly provided, and was just ready for action, if any thing had presented; having waited a good while, listening to hear if they m…


(テキスト158ページ、2行目〜) I say, tho' these things argued for it, yet the thoughts of shedding human blood for my deliverance, were very terrible to me, and such as I could by no means reconcile my self to, a great while. I say(人の…